(1) How to Secure Your Pitti Uomo Entry Pass: A Complete Guide
Written by Simon Brockbank
It is that time of year again, when menswear enthusiasts, fabric makers, drapers, artisans and people behind the brands all gather in Florence at the Pitti Uomo fair. Always taking place in the iconic Fortezza de Basso, perhaps one of the best kept secrets is how to actually get in the Pitti Uomo. If there is one question I hear every year for new attendees, it is certainly “How do I get into Pitti Uomo?"
In previous articles, we covered how to prepare for the fair, the now classic masquerade in Florence and club private dinner. But perhaps that was hasty, as the real first step is registering to the fair online.
The Hidden Struggle
While everything about the city, the fair and evenings is enchanting, getting the ticket for Pitti Uomo isn’t, far from it. One would imagine such a world class event would have a well documented process on how to participate, but that isn’t the case. This is utter nonsense, as getting the ticket is pretty much the most challenging component of making it to the fair. There is very little documentation on the matter (which this piece intends to address), making internet search pretty much unless. Getting in Florence and being denied the access to Pitti Uomo is very much a nightmare (which i’ve sadly witnessed).
Simon approached the gate of Fortezza da Basso during the 2023 winter edition
How to Secure Your Pitti Uomo Ticket: A Step-by-Step Guide
To address the matter once and for all, I will guide you through the process of getting a Pitti Uomo ticket, from first registration to walking in the event itself. The first section will walk you through the registration process as a newcomer. The following section will go over the yearly application process, whether you are new or forgot how to get in again. Finally, the last section will focus on getting ready for the big day : walking in the fair.
As with most things in life, starting the process early is best ; 2 months prior to the fair is the perfect time, right when the yearly applications can be sent.
How to Register and Choose Your Visitor Type
When first looking around to learn more about the fair, the first thought would be to look at the official website. The first surprise is perhaps to discover that there are actually several Pitti Uomo events, but you might be surprised to see a few different events. Make no mistake, the main one is Pitti Imagine Uomo, which is the main event and always in the first few weeks of January or June.
Once on the website, the first step to getting in is creating an account, registering for said Pitti Imagine Uomo. Then, the first question to answer is what type of visitor you are. For most of us club members, who run a social media account of some kind, we can register as journalists, as we are effectively documenting the event in one way or another through our page. If you are running a brand, in PR or buying goods at the fair, the registration is mostly similar.
After providing the usual details like name, login and password, your account will be created.
Afterwards, an email will be sent to verify your email, after which you will have to register your media presence in the catalog.
Since you have not yet entered the fair, you must enter a new company/agency, which really is your social media account. The homepage field is the most important information, as it will be accredited. To do so, you simply must enter a link to your media presence, which is most likely your instagram account. For me, it is https://www.instagram.com/smalltowndapper. If you have a website, it is a good alternative.
Once the form is completed and submitted, you will receive an email confirming your accreditation, which might take a couple days. Afterwards, you can proceed with the yearly application process. At this point, you are now truly registered as a journalist and company for Pitti Uomo. Once this process is complete, it will be done for good and you won’t have to do it every year (or twice a year).
Email annoucement sent to all previous registrants that the new event registration is soon to be open
The Yearly Application : Getting your ticket
Once all your journalist profile is well documented in your Pitti Uomo account, all that really remains is to fill the application form for the Pitti Uomo edition you are participating in. This process can only be completed a few months before the fair, typically 2 months before it takes place, meaning mid-November for the January edition. All that requires are two pieces of information : your exhibition and accommodation details.
For most of us, our exhibition is fairly simple, it is our social media profile. For me, it is my instagram page, but it could be another platform or your website. The accommodation information is pretty self explanatory, just the name, address and dates of stay. Then the application can be submitted. At that point, you should see :
One important note is to be patient. As you can imagine, many of us send an application, on top of brands, buyers and other attendees. So as long as you see that “application form status : waiting”, do not worry, it will be done in time.
Once your application is validated, you will receive email confirmation, with links to more information such as the PittiSmart app, which will be discussed in the next section. If the fair is fast approaching and the application is still waiting for validation, you can always contact pittimmagine@pittimmagine.com to ask for more information. It did happen to me and there was a swift response.
Walking in the fair with Ease
Once your application is sent and approved, you should have access to your ticket through the official PittiSmart app where your ticket will be issued. Application approval is coupled with email confirmation, in which more details and links to the app are available. The PittiSmart app is compatible on both Android and Apple, and can be downloaded preemptively.
Once downloaded, you will have to log in with the same account and password you used on the Pitti Uomo website. The app will allow you to enter the fair with your ticket, but also locate all the exhibitions/brands you might be looking for. Your ticket will be a QR code, accessible in the top right corner of the app. This QR code will only be accessible a few days before the event. And with that, you have everything in hand to attend Pitti Uomo! Your ticket should look like this :
As an extra caution, since navigating in the app relies on your phone signal, which is notoriously bad around the fortezza, the best course of action is to screenshot the QR code, allowing you to scan quickly when passing through.
Getting Ready for Pitti Uomo: Travel, Outfits, and the Masquerade
While getting ready to attend Pitti Uomo might look overwhelming at first, registering in advance, sending your yearly application and getting the app ready are the best way to make sure you can focus your attention on the actual event. Once that is done, you can go back to your travel plans, preparing your outfits for the fair and making the most of the masquerade in Florence and club private dinner. After all, you only get so many chances to walk to the Fortezza with friends!, which is one of those things you never forget about!
A memorable Pitti Uomo week definitely starts with the sartorial club masquerade ball, which my good friend Arthur will cover this year. This is perfect continuity, since I actually first met him at the masquerade last year. Beyond his last piece finding a signature scent, his eye for detail, historic/vintage knowledge and pen skills will give you a different perspective on the event, with perhaps an eagle eye for the unique style of the attendees.