From Kingdom of Shoemaking to a Fading Legacy

By Chienqian Yang

The origins of Taiwanese leather shoes are similar to the history of most footwear. They originated from the convenience of farming, hunting, fishing and hunting, and later became a status symbol of the upper class.

For example, in order to reduce the wariness of deer, Taiwan's aboriginal hunters would wear leather shoes to absorb the noise of walking in the grass, making it easier to approach the animals. In the Qing Dynasty, "leather" and "satin" shoes were very popular among the officials and gentry. Once such trend is formed, the wealthy businessmen began to look for something more exotic and unique, and the abundant island is full of animals (such as deer) in the mountains and forests. In addition to deer skins, all kinds of animal furs also became the primary target of the officials and gentry.


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A Distinct Cultural Connotation of Leather shoes

During the Japanese colonial period, leather shoes were considered "fashionable" and "modern". Businessmen and intellectuals have chosen to join the ranks of "Taiwan Gentlemen", and wearing suits has become a symbol of western civilization. Because leather shoes and suits are expensive, only the upper class could afford them. Ordinary people may wear leather shoes for the first time when they get married. For those who cannot afford such purchase, they can only borrow ill-fitting leather shoes for the big day.


With such background, it is not hard to understand why “leather shoes” had special connotation in the Taiwanese society. It was a symbol of success for those who left their hometown to work in the big cities. When they are able to wear a pair of good leather shoes and return home to visit, it is a significant demonstration to the family that they have made a successful career and lived a good life.


The Rise & Falls

Shoemaking in Taiwan follows a traditional apprenticeship system. In most cases, the master does not explain how to make shoes in details to his apprentices. Instead, the apprentices have to learn through observation. Hence, the learning process is quite difficult and strict, but common belief is that a strict master produces a good apprentice with solid skills after graduation. It is no secret that shoemaking requires long hours of work, and a lot of effort is required in the craft to figure out the techniques required for shoemaking.

During the economic reform in the 1960s, Taiwan’s industries flourished, and the shoemaking industry sprouted accordingly. In the early days, shoemakers fled from China followed the example of shoe shops and factories with the Japanese system during the colonial period. They were run as a store-factory unit, and mostly relied on Goodyear construction custom-made shoes as their source of business. Given the procedure, only 1-2 pairs of shoes were produced in a day. Fast forward to 1980, the adoption of shoemaking machines, the expansion of other shoe making styles beyond Goodyear construction and casual categories, all contributed the most prosperous period for Taiwan's shoemaking industry. Given this successful transition, Taiwan was known as world's second largest footwear exporter in the 80s.



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The Impact of Joining World Trade Organization (WTO)

With the rapid changes in the economic environment between 80s and the 2000s, the cost of shoe making has continued to rise. With the opening up of trade areas in China and Southeast Asia, Taiwan has been unable to compete with regions with cheaper labor. Many companies have decided to move labor-intensive production lines overseas. After Taiwan joined the WTO, it was also affected by the disappearance of the protective tariff policy, leading to the rapid decline of Taiwan's shoe industry.


As the shoemaking industry shrinks, many masters of handmade shoemaking have turned to other industries to make a living, Today, there are only a few masters who are capable of make leather outsoles in Taiwan. The pursuit of quick success also has impact on the young generation who are less willing to learn such skill at slow pace, which further escalate the decline.

The lack of successors, the time-consuming production of handmade leather shoes, low output, and unstable income have all become obstacles to the advancement of Taiwan's handmade shoemaking. However, in recent years, some young generation of handmade shoe enthusiasts have begun to go abroad to learn experience and returned Taiwan to open their own studios. It certainly brings hope to revive the declining shoemaking industry in the future.


Craftsmanship Reborn with New Generation

In this episode, we talk about the rise and fall of Taiwan's shoemaking industry and the impact on Taiwan after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the next chapter, we will dive in further on WTO’s broader scope of influence on Taiwanese tobacco and whiskey. Coincidentally, it is much connected to the venue where Suit Walk is held in 2024: Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, which was Songshan Tobacco Factory in the past. It is worth to mention that tobacco and alcohol sales were centrally regulated by the Japanese (during the colonial period) and Taiwanese governments until 1999.

Next, let’s talk about the Taiwanese tobacco industry, which has gradually been forgotten by the world but is still full of charm, and Taiwanese whiskey, which has become internationally famous in recent years.

這個章節我們聊了台灣的製鞋產業興衰跟加入世界貿易組織後對台灣造成的影響。下篇文章我們要講的內容也都在其影響範圍內:菸草與威士忌。這也剛好 2024 Suit Walk舉辦場地- 松山文創園區有關; 其前身,也就是過去的松山菸草工廠。對於海外的讀者,值得一提的是從日治時代到近年的 1999,菸草和酒精飲品在台灣是由政府公家管制銷售的。接下來,一起聊聊已經逐漸被世人遺忘但依舊充滿魅力的煙草產業,以及近年來知名國際的台灣威士忌。


A Spirit Evolution: From Tobacco to World-Class Whiskey


Suit Walk’s Ripple Effect