A Spirit Evolution: From Tobacco to World-Class Whiskey

By Kevin Ting



Once upon a time, Taiwan produced a great amount of tobacco, dubbed as “the Havana of East Asia”. While this agricultural sector completely died out since the participation of WTO, the rise of fine whiskey carves out a new path on this very land that doesn’t produce barley.

Most of you know Taiwan from its renowned semiconductor industry. In this episode, we will delve into Taiwan’s strong agricultural expertise, looking into the faded tobacco industry and its flourishing whiskey production today.

Image credit: https://zjnews.zjol.com.cn/zjnews/wznews/202207/t20220718_24533675.shtml

The Havana of East Asia

Following Japanese colonization, Taiwan implemented a strict tobacco and alcohol monopoly system, governing the cultivation and production of tobacco. Prior to Taiwan's accession to the WTO and the dismantling of the monopoly system, the country had five major tobacco-producing regions. However, since the lifting of restrictions in 2002, the number of tobacco farmers in Taiwan has steadily declined, culminating in the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation's final purchase of domestically grown tobacco in 2017, marking the end of Taiwan's tobacco industry.


Image source: https://kknews.cc/photography/xvzppv9.html


While Taiwan predominantly cultivated tobacco for regular cigarettes, only the regions of Chaozhou and Wanluan in Pingtung County grew tobacco for cigars. From 1907 to 1944, the cultivation of cigar tobacco reached its peak, covering an area of up to 216 hectares.


Image source: http://translocal.asia/

Cigar Production under Tobacco and Liquor Corporation's

With the closure of the Taipei Tobacco Factory, cigar production shifted to the fully equipped Songshan Tobacco Factory (the venue for the 2024 Suit Walk). The flagship cigar brand, 'Gentleman,' reached its production peak in 1977. However, the influx of imported cigars eventually surpassed Taiwan's domestically crafted top-tier cigars, which were previously favored as diplomatic gifts.

台北菸廠廢廠後雪茄的生產就轉移到了規模跟設備齊全的松山菸廠(2024年Suit Walk舉辦場地),當時推出的雪茄品項眾多並因應不同客群有不同的產品。紳士牌雪茄則是當時雪茄品牌的代表,並在1977年達到生產高峰。開放洋菸進口後,國外的高檔雪茄最終擊敗了當時國內手工捲制的最頂級雪茄系列。該品牌雪茄在此之前也多作為外賓禮品使用。

Image source: https://www.archives.gov.tw/ALohas/ALohasColumn.aspx?c=2809

A Tale of Lost Opportunities in the Cigar Industry

Taiwan boasts excellent agricultural techniques and fertile land resources, similar to Cuba. While Taiwan once had numerous sugarcane fields yielding abundant sugar, it also shares latitudinal conditions suitable for tobacco cultivation, akin to Cuba. Unfortunately, despite Taiwan's ideal conditions for nurturing a cigar industry, including fertile land, favorable climate, and expertise, the agricultural shift away from tobacco, driven by rising labor costs during industrialization, led to the gradual demise of the industry. Nevertheless, with the current widespread ability to grow tobacco, Taiwan may one day reclaim its position as a producer of fine cigars.


Overcoming the Barley Barriers

Speaking of cigars inevitably brings whiskey to mind, often paired with cigar aficionados' indulgence. Despite Taiwan's lack of barley production, how did it manage to produce world-class whiskey?

As mentioned earlier regarding tobacco, Taiwan's whiskey history traces back to the Japanese colonial era, primarily under government control before liberalization. Initially, whiskey offerings were merely products with added flavorings, not considered authentic whiskey. It wasn't until ten years later that experiments with high-quality whiskey production commenced. However, due to equipment limitations, the quality fell short of imported whiskey standards. During the American aid period to meet the needs of stationed US troops, Taiwan began importing whiskey. However, domestic whiskey production plans stagnated.



In the 1970s, as the economy surged, whiskey demand skyrocketed, prompting the government to restart its whiskey research and development program. Nevertheless, with surplus Scotch whiskey production at the time, producing whiskey domestically became relatively costly. Consequently, the government began producing blended whiskey, combining Scotch whiskey with Taiwanese whiskey. However, Taiwan still lacked its own whiskey brand.


Image source: https://www.archives.gov.tw/ALohas/ALohasColumn.aspx?c=2809

Industry Reborn with WTO Participation

Following Taiwan's accession to the WTO and the abolition of the tobacco and alcohol monopoly system, private liquor production was permitted. The Kuang Chuan Group promptly obtained a distillery license and established the Kavalan Whiskey Distillery in Yilan.

Why Yilan? Besides an existing factory, Yilan provided excellent water sources, crucial for producing superior whiskey, especially in a non-barley-producing country like Taiwan. Taiwan's climatic conditions for whiskey production significantly differ from Scotland, England, or even Japan. Therefore, Kavalan invested heavily in addressing the technological and equipment challenges posed by the climate, importing Scotch distillation equipment, hiring overseas professional consultants, and leveraging its past beverage development experience to extensively test and adjust. Even the oak barrels influencing whiskey flavor were directly imported, employing oak barrel toasting techniques independently within the distillery.



Image source: https://blog.udn.com/cty43115/157810920

In 2010, Kavalan Whiskey shocked the international scene by winning the championship at a blind tasting event, surpassing both England and Scotland. Subsequently, Taiwan's whiskey industry witnessed exponential growth over the next decade, with Kavalan emerging as one of the world's major whiskey producers, propelling other Taiwanese small and medium-sized distilleries to continue investing in whiskey research and development.


Despite being a small island, Taiwan is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and resilient spirit. Despite lacking superior natural conditions, the people of this land continue to toil quietly, perpetuating their expertise in their respective fields


Image source: https://bravel.yas.com.hk/taiwan/


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