From Suit Walk to Taiwan (Prologue)
Suit Walk, a large-scale menswear event that has been held for the last 10 years in Taipei every March, has become a big day for many enthusiasts. However, you may not know much about the story and history of this island.
各位或許聽說過Suit Walk,這場已經歷經10年的大型紳士裝活動,每年3月都在台北登場,成為眾多愛好者的大日子,大家卻可能對這塊土地的樣貌與歷史不太熟悉。
In this series, we will start by discovering the origins of Suit Walk and its impact on the industry. During this decade, which is neither long nor short, a few Taiwanese craftsmen went abroad to learn from the experience, and some craftsmen who had learned their skills returned to the homeland. This wave of movement creates meaningful exchanges in the industry and broaden scope of interaction: wider, deeper, more lively than ever. From here, it is gradually shaping the style of menswear industry in Taiwan.
此系列,我們將從Suit Walk的起源與對產業的影響開始探討,這段說不長也不短的歲月裡,有台灣手藝人遠赴國外取經,也有已學成的匠人歸來,業界的交流互動範圍越來越廣、越來越熱絡,也逐漸形塑紳士裝在台灣的風貌。
Image Credit: Su Yu-cing
The Ever-Changing Island
When you think of "Taiwan", what kind of concept comes to mind when it comes to “dressing”? The island located on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean is warm and humid almost all year round, and has experienced many political and cultural changes in history. These factors have deeply affected the way Taiwanese people dress. We will also briefly introduce the history of Taiwan’s clothing and the current situation of Taiwanese people’s dressing, showing their spirit of diversity and inclusion, including, of course, menswear.
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Continuing on the aspect of “dressing”, we will turn our attention to an item that has become a common item with the westernization of clothing: leather shoes. We will explain how leather shoes became the symbol of "old money/upper class”, as well as the rise and fall of the shoemaking industry and its future prospects.
Bidding respect to the past
This year, Suit Walk will be held at the Songyan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei. Songyan holds a meaningful chapter in the island’s history: our the first modern cigarette factory and created a high economic output value during its golden era. Speaking of tobacco, one of its best companions would be a good spirit. Despite all the difficulties in climate and techniques, today Taiwan also has world-renowned whiskey. From the glory of tobacco leaves and the breakthrough of whiskey, we can fully see Taiwan’s agricultural research and efforts, as well as the Taiwanese spirit of perseverance and creativity.
今年Suit Walk在台北的松菸文創園區登場,松菸為台灣第一座現代化的捲菸工廠,曾創造相當高的經濟產值;而好菸的最佳良伴之一便是好酒,在克服種種困難後,台灣也有享譽全球的威士忌,從菸葉的輝煌、威士忌的突破,足可窺見台灣在農業上的研究與心血,以及堅韌不服輸的台灣精神。
Cover photo credit: @levitatestyle